Summer of '93 begins as a lighthearted story about children enjoying a carefree summer by the Simroo River. Archana Somvanshi's warm and vivid...
Archana Somvanshi, author of the evocative novel Summer of '93, grew up in a small town in India where access to books was scarce. With no libraries or bookshops in her hometown, train journeys became a gateway to new worlds. Railway station bookstalls were her treasure troves, and her supportive mother always encouraged her passion for reading, spending eagerly on books. Though English options were limited, Archana’s journey began with Hindi comics like Dhruva, Nagraj, and Chacha Chaudhary, along with timeless classics by Premchand and Sharatchandra.
This love for stories was further nurtured by the rich oral storytelling culture of her family, where her mother and grandmother passed down tales that fueled her imagination.
Today, Archana balances a career in IT and motherhood with her love for storytelling. Her debut novel, Summer of '93, is a heartfelt tale of love, loss, and nostalgia, set in the backdrop of a small-town India.
Through her storytelling, she offers valuable life lessons on perseverance, resilience, and the importance of cherishing the memories that shape us.
Archana Somvanshi, author of the evocative novel Summer of '93, grew up in a small town in India where access to books was scarce. With no libraries or bookshops in her hometown, train journeys became a gateway to new worlds. Railway station bookstalls were her treasure troves, and her supportive mother always encouraged her passion for reading, spending eagerly on books. Though English options were limited, Archana’s journey began with Hindi...
Summer of 93
Summer of '93 begins as a lighthearted story about children enjoying a carefree summer by the Simroo River. Archana Somvanshi's warm and vivid storytelling captures the slow, easy pace of long summer days, drawing readers into a world filled with innocence and fun.
But beneath the surface, secrets from the past begin to emerge, threatening the...
Looking back at my life, it's hard to define what I achieved in my first 20 years. What I do know is that I studied hard and played even harder. Growing up in a small town came with its challenges, but happiness and friendship were never in short supply. My childhood was a whirlwind of joy, spent with my two younger brothers and a lively bunch of cousins (one of the perks of having a big family!).
We swam in rivers, climbed trees to grab mangoes, and played endless card games and other...
Brown and Bold: Embracing True Beauty
Brown is beautiful. So is black, white, and every other shade that human beings come in—though why we categorize beauty by skin tones still baffles me. This wisdom, however, wasn’t something I carried with me from the start. I grew up in a part of India and during a time when fairness was synonymous with beauty. “Fair and lovely” wasn’t just a phrase; it was an unspoken rule for anyone aspiring to feel accepted, admired, or valued.
As a child, I quickly...
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