Brown and Bold: Embracing True Beauty
Brown is beautiful. So is black, white, and every other shade that human beings come in—though why we categorize beauty by skin tones still baffles me. This wisdom, however, wasn’t something I carried with me from the start. I grew up in a part of India and during a time when fairness was synonymous with beauty. “Fair and lovely” wasn’t just a phrase; it was an unspoken rule for anyone aspiring to feel accepted, admired, or valued.
As a child, I quickly realized that I didn’t fit into this narrow standard. But rather than letting this standard dictate my confidence, I chose another path. I turned my energy inward, focusing on the things I could excel at—my talents, my intellect, and my ability to work hard. I understood early on that while I couldn’t change the way I looked, I could shape my identity through what I did and who I became.
This decision—to invest in my talents rather than sulk over societal beauty standards—didn’t come naturally or easily. It was a bold choice, and I had help making it. I was lucky to be surrounded by a loving mother who constantly affirmed my worth, a confident grandmother who had seen and endured enough to impart real wisdom, a supportive father who valued character over appearances, and brothers who added fun and camaraderie to my life. Their collective encouragement built a foundation of self-worth that allowed me to focus on who I wanted to be, rather than what I looked like.
But not everyone grows up with such a circle of support. That’s why it’s crucial to raise children with the confidence to be bold—bold enough to ignore society’s shallow standards and brave enough to nurture their own unique talents. Boldness doesn’t just happen; it needs to be cultivated. It requires parents, guardians, and communities to teach children that their value is not in how they look, but in who they are and what they bring to the world.
Beauty is not a single shade or standard. It’s in the courage to pursue your dreams, the confidence to own your identity, and the strength to rise above the noise of societal judgments. Teaching this lesson early to our children will empower them to break free from the pressures of conformity and focus on their individuality and potential. Don’t let anyone define your worth by their narrow expectations. Celebrate your uniqueness, nurture your talents, and know that your true beauty lies in your courage to be yourself.
Brown is bold. Brown is beautiful. So are you.